Friday, November 28, 2003

My first blog post

Well it's the day after Thanksgiving, and the holiday season has started, and I'm broke as shit as usual. But I might get paid today, so that will solve a few things.

Thanksgiving was fun, if a little strange in its collection of people, and the food was spectacular (I've never had a whole yam with the skin on before...I was still disappointed that weren't any marshmallows though)

So I started this blog because chat rooms piss me off, usenet is dying, and I have a lot to say. Quite frankly, I don't care who reads this (if anyone), cuz I just want to babble.

As a wanna-be writer, I need to get into the discipline of writing something every day, and writing a journal seems to be a good way to get started.

So this is part one of today's blog so far...